Knight-Hennessy Scholars Stanford University

Knight-Hennessy scholars develop deep domain expertise in their Stanford graduate program, and build on this domain expertise through exposure to a wide range of disciplines and cultures within the Knight-Hennessy Scholars (KHS) community. Scholars participate in the King Global Leadership Program (KGLP), which includes workshops, lectures, projects, and experiences that strengthen transformational leadership capabilities. Through KGLP, scholars collaborate and prepare to address important challenges and opportunities facing the world, such as climate change, healthcare, government and policy, and education.

Beasiswa Voca Champ

Beasiswa Voca Champ merupakan beasiswa yang diadakan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Terapan (FIT) Telkom University. Beasiswa Voca Champ bertujuan untuk mencari talenta-talenta kreatif yang ingin bergabung menjadi mahasiswa Telkom University. Terdapat 8 kategori yang akan dilombakan sesuai dengan program studi yang tersedia di FIT.