Paragon is an Indonesia beauty company with the purpose of creating a greater good for the society through innovation. Paragon supports college students by breaking down barriers, opening doors, and offering access to college scholarships.
Paragon Scholarship Program:
- Beasiswa Prestasi : A scholarship program to support high achieving students to continue learning and developing themselves
- Beasiswa Pemberdayaan : Tuition assistance for prospective students with good academic potential to foster the spirit of learning
- Beasiswa Tugas Akhir: Final assignment research grants for final-year students
- Second year student from 9 main universities: UI, UGM, ITB, UNPAD, UB, UNDIP, IPB, Telkom University and ITS.
- GPA > 3.3
- Grantee are to be recommended by university according to their financial capacity
- Not receiving another scholarship
- Willing to be Paragon Agent (representative) to their respective university
- Committed to all Paragon Scholarship Program.
- Tuition fee until 4th year of Rp 6.250.000/semester.
- Development Program.
- Leadership Class.
- Social Project Challenge.
- Paragon Factory Visit (Grantee Prestasi)*
- Scholarship Camp (Grantee Prestasi)*
- Community Project Fund (maximum of Rp 50.000.000/university)*
- Paragon Close Recruitment