Delegasi Istanbul Youth Summit Mempresentasikan Social Project Yang Telah Mereka Persiapkan Secara Kelompok Membahas Sustainable Development Goals.

“Melakukan presentasi di salah satu konferensi pemuda terbaik di dunia merupakan tantangan yang cukup besar, terlebih lagi karena peserta yang berasal dari berbagai negara. Kelompok kami sendiri terdiri atas delegasi dari Indonesia,  Asia, dan Eropa” ujar Julia Heinrich, delegasi Rusia yang juga merupakan leader dari grup 5.

Getting to Know Jevlin Solim, Fully Funded Delegate of Istanbul Youth Summit 2024

The Istanbul Youth Summit (IYS) will be held again this year, marking the 7th edition of this prestigious youth conference scheduled for March 4 to 7, 2024. The international conference serves as a platform for youth from diverse countries to engage in cross-cultural dialogue and collaboration, addressing significant themes such as Education, Public Health, Economy, Environment, and others. The annual event aims to encourage participants to provide solutions and innovations to tackle future global challenges.